What’s On
Church Services
Sunday Worship – 10.30 AM and 6.30 PM (see ‘Announcements’ for more details)
Our desire as we gather is that we would know God more deeply and be equipped to make Him known as we display His likeness.
Primary 1-7 – 10.30 AM
Runs during Morning Worship.
Children will learn about the Bible and engage with its teachings in an accessible way.
Our Crèche Room is available during Morning Worship for babies and children up to 4 years old.
Youth Fellowship
Sunday 7 – 8.30 PM
Year 8 – 14 – Church Hall
As part of Greystone Road P.C.’s Youth Ministry we exist to provide a holistic environment where young people can know Christ and make Him known.
Boys’ Brigade
At 3rd Antrim BB we will care for and challenge boys for life, through a programme of informal education, underpinned by the Christian Faith. We offer a balanced programme of craft, badge work, physical activities, competition and Bible study.
Girls’ Brigade
GB is great fun. It is a great place to meet life-long friends and encourage girls to be more confident, kind, helpful, caring, but most importantly to learn more about God’s love for each of them.
Bowling club
The indoor bowling club is a long-established organisation within our church. We are part of the Sixmilewater & District Indoor Bowling League.
Buzzy Bees
Buzzy Bees meets every Tuesday (term time) at Greystone Road Presbyterian. We aim to bring baby and toddler aged children, along with their carers, into our church family.
Christian Endeavour (CE)
Primary 1-7 – Thursday 7.15 – 8.15 PM
Church Hall
CE helps children understand what it means to be a Christian and how to live for Jesus by learning and doing. The lively programme includes Bible stories, prayer, quizzes, praise and games. Children are encouraged and gradually trained to take part in and be responsible for their own weekly programme.
Thursday Club
Midweek Worship
Our Home Groups meet, throughout the week in various locations, to study God’s Word and fellowship together. Our desire is that we would know God more deeply and be equipped to make Him known as we display His likeness.
Rock Café
Every Thursday from 10 a.m. until 12 noon – Church Hall
Rock Café is one of many ways this church seeks to show the love of Jesus. It is run as a donation-based café and everyone who comes can have their choice of refreshments, at no up-front charge.
In association with the Trussell Trust and Oasis Antrim, we offer a Foodbank facility every Thursday morning at Rock Café. This has grown into a very important facility, as our community faces all the challenges of economic crisis. We run all of this as part of our Christian responsibility to care for others and to help those in need.
The Foodbank is staffed by volunteers from Greystone Road Presbyterian along with people from our partner churches across Antrim.
CAP is Christians Against Poverty and it offers free debt advice and personal support. There is usually someone from CAP at the Café, should you wish to be put in contact.
If you need the help of the Foodbank or CAP or know of others who do, please come along and speak to one of our volunteers.
Greystone Road Presbyterian Church
56 Greystone Road
BT41 1JZ
Email: office@greystoneroad.org
An MCC Site